I was so delighted to receive Essentials Eco for the very first time. This is a brand new box, that focuses on helping people adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. The products are functional and designed to replace less eco-friendly options in the home.

The Essentials Eco box is $68.00 quarterly. It looks like there is about a 20% savings if you were going to buy all of the items separately. Great value for your money.

The box included:

  • Amber glass spray bottle 
  • zero waste mvmt brush
  • SITTIE & SAGE Dish soap
  • THE MARKET BAGS (mesh produce bag, reusable bag, small reusable bulk bag)
  • Goldilocks Swedish dishcloth
  • Reusable metal straw
  • Be The Change postcard with  recipe for multi surface cleaner

I was thrilled to find it was a little bit of everything you would need to get started on your eco-friendly journey for your kitchen.  Sustainable living is important to me, and already a part of my life, and I still found every single item useful, and I am happy with the quality.

My absolute favorite product was the Amber glass spray bottle. I have been looking for one of those for a while. Jenn loved the Market Bags.

We know the packaging is 100% biodegradable – which is so important to me and it only makes sense given the Eco-friendly theme of the box. The presentation was simple, yet sophisticated. The entire unboxing experience was fun and left me feeling like this company really cares about delivering value to their customers.

I wasn’t expecting the “Be the Change” postcard with a recipe for DIY cleaner. Those little extras are fun and again reinforces how much the company cares about the experience the subscriber has.

Their passion is creating a world that is more eco-friendly – and they are making it easier and more affordable by offering this box. I greatly appreciate their mission, in addition to that, they make it very clear that they are all about family and about being good people. All of that shows in the presentation and product selections.

The products are useable in everyday life, giving you instant value for your money.  

I would also like to note that there was really only one product that had its own packaging. That was nice to see. Often, we find packing on products, within packaging added by the company, within packing for shipping.

My first impression when I discovered the company was, this is one to keep my eye on! After receiving it I can say that I definitely want to continue to receive this box. It was a great product selection by Essentials Eco and I really liked the price point – it makes eco-conscious options more accessible. While you will pay less than you have for other eco-friendly boxes, you will absolutely feel the value of this box.

I’ve never used a soap block for dish washing before – I am really excited to try this out. Stay tuned for my thoughts on this.

 Through this process, I had the opportunity to chat with Brielle and I was impressed with her dedication to her business, to the cause and making the world a better place in general.

To sum up the entire experience, I would say it was perfection. There isn’t anything I would change.  I also want to be sure you all know, this is a brand new subscription box company. Consider diverting some of your spending here to get great eco-friendly products and support a new small business.

They are women-owned, mom-owned and Asian American and Pacific Islander-owned. 

Congratulations Brielle – you curated a great first box.


Eco-friendly subscription box
Essentials Eco Sub Box
Essentials Eco
Eco-friendly products from Essentials Eco
Eco-friendly quarterly subscription box