Canadian Box Comparisons


Explore Canadian subscription boxes below.  We will update information as frequently as we can. There is a link below to email a request to include boxes, update info or correct any errors.


  • Use the filters on the footer of the table to search each column
  • You can sort the data by column in the headers
  • Any box that has an * next to it has multiple box options
  • Pricing with a + next to it indicates the price starts there
  • All pricing is in CAD unless otherwise indicated
  • We will be adding a link to the profile page for each box shortly


Canadian Subscription Boxes

wdt_ID Box Category Starting At Shipping Frequency Profile Coupon Code
1 Acre75 Gathered Lifestyle $69.95 $11.99 Quarterly Acre75
3 BABE BOX Fashion $49.99 Free Quarterly
4 BARK’N FUN * Pet $34.00 $10.00+ Monthly Bark'N Fun BOX10 - 10% off
5 BARKERSONS Pet $44.99 Free Monthly
6 blended for you * Food/Beverage $69.99 $6.00+ 1 to 4 wks
7 BlisstuBox Beauty $69.99 $9.99 Quarterly BlissTuBox BOXSPOILERS15 - $15.00 off
8 BOWZER BOX * Pet $29.99 $6.00 1, 2, or 3 mos
9 Brown Paper Packages Lifestyle $59.99 $8.50 Bi-monthly Brown Paper Packages
11 candy experience * Food/Beverage $24.75 At checkout Monthly Candy Experience
12 canuckcrate * Food/Beverage $55.00 $10.00 1, 2, or 3 mos canuckcrate
Box Category Starting At Shipping Frequency Profile Coupon Code

To recommend boxes or provide updated information, please email us here